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After a while, Rebecca Lobo asks a lot of people if her punch is spiked, because she is laughing a lot more than she usually does, but it turns out that she is just very drunk and a little happy. Or something.

Rebecca Lobo thinks this fact says everything that ever needs to be said about her. She tries to tell the guy from her bio lab how she can never tell if she is sad or happy, or whether she likes a movie or a book or anything, but he is only interested in the novelty of her feet, which are abnormally large. She is not embarrassed about them, though. She doesn't care.

He asks if next year is the Huskies' "year," and she says, “no. Probably not. Both our starting guards graduated last year.” She goes to sit down next to a fat kid who keeps hiccuping. She thinks he is a freshman.